Solar Light Workshop in Tehran
DIY Workshop in Tehran.
“Solar light for child labours in Tehran.”
On 30th of Aug we collaborated with TAK Children NGO (TAK Children NGO is focusing on project which address the needs of Child Labours) in Tehran, Iran to make solar products for total number of seventeen children, ranging from 10 to 18 years old. Aim of the workshop was to empower the young participants and familiarize them with the topic of renewable energy.
The Solar Light was exclusively designed for this workshop; it is a close system which charge itself through a 1W solar panel to power a single LED ; the whole system can run for multiple days on its battery without a need of charging.
It can be hanged/placed on top of the book and light up only the page below it; this function is mainly for children who don't have an access to light/electricity during the night.
The secondary function of the Solar Light is a torch. By removing and placing the diffuser below the case the light would directly light the front area of the device.
*Solar PET is a place where participants share their already made products.
To our surprise many of our young participants were aware of the electricity source (fossil fuel is the main source of energy in Iran) which they were using everyday, as well as alternative available sources i.e. renewable energy (e.g. wind and solar).
Workshop started with a brief introduction about renewable energy and continued with explaining how the Solar Light is producing, storing and lighting up the book by using the sun as its main source of energy.
Introducing the renewable energy topic.
Like previous workshop in Lohja-Finland, participant were supervised to assemble and make their own product; this include soldering components on the PCB, putting together the frame and finally attaching the panel, battery and board all together. Through out the process of assembling they were given also brief intro about how individual components works and their purpose in the system as well as sustaiability benifits of using such a light.
This was the first solar project made specifically for children (child labour) in Iran, we are still receiving positive feedback from the NGO passing on the children's comments about the product; latest story we heard is that one of the participant were offered 50€ to sell his solar light but he refused to do so and kept it.
We hope in the near future such event continue to happen in countries that their youth and communities are in need of such products.
our success story of the month
with more to come in close future.